Luca De Biase
Journalist and writer. Columnist at Il Sole 24 Ore and La Svolta. Director of the Media Ecology Research Network of Reimagine Europe in Brussels. Editorial coordinator of Imminent, research centre on multilingualism in the digital economy. He teaches Knowledge Management at the University of Pisa and Digital Citizenship at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Recent books: "Eppur s'innova" (Luiss University Press 2022), "Armonie future" (Rubbettino 2021), "Il lavoro del futuro" (Codice 2028); "Homo Pluralis" (Codice 2015). He founded NĂ²va at Il Sole 24 Ore. He won the James Carey Award for Outstanding Media Ecology Journalism, 2016.