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Science writing - Formats, tools and storytelling

Science writing is not just about science papers or project proposals. Not even for scientists. Writing skills are useful also when drafting a press release, posting news on a website, or managing social media. This course will offer a general introduction to science writing for lay audiences and will look into specific formats, analyzing the different logics, structures and tools to use.

Who is this course for?

Researchers in natural sciences who are keen to reach out to the lay public through their website and posts or are simply willing to better understand the media work.

What will you learn?

Basic rules and logics of different science writing formats

Organize and develop your story according to different formats

Write effective titles and subtitles for your product

Basics of storytelling

Interested in customised activities? Get in touch by email to plan your training.


All modules include short lessons and practical activities. Exercises are carried out individually or in groups and always discussed collectively.

Module 1: Science writing: an introduction (sources, titles, formats)

Module 2: Science stories for lay audiences (dissemination)

Module 3: Writing a press release

Module 4: Blog posts


Hand-outs materials and further readings will be provided during and after the course.


Start upon reaching the minimun number of 12 participants


SISSA, Trieste

Number of participants

min 12/max 20

Training hours



600 €

Participation certificate

Available upon request